Becoming a better leader is a journey.

We are all leaders. And we all can be better leaders.

Becoming a better leader is a journey. You define your unique journey, so that your journey defines you as a unique leader.

Let’s talk about the leader first.

Who is a leader?

The definition of the leader is as follows in the dictionary. “The person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country.” Most used synonyms are chief, head, boss, commander, captain, moderator, manager, master, sovereign, guru, mentor…

But really, who is a leader? Am I a leader? Are you a leader? This has been a relevant question since the inception of humankind in many ways. For our purposes, let’s bring this question to today’s business world. Much research and evolving practical wisdom give us some key pointers on the matter.

  • Leadership is not a position or a title.
  • Anybody and everybody lead, but some of the time.
  • Leadership is defined by context.
  • The leader interacts with the system; the leader emerges within a team or an organization and has the capacity to shape them at the same time.
  • Practice of good leadership requires some nature, and lots of nurture.

Do you agree? What do they mean to you as a leader? Where are you in your leadership journey?

What is a leadership journey?

A leadership journey refers to the ongoing process of personal and professional growth of an individual. Leaders evolve during their journey, and they have the power to design their own journey. We all want to become better leaders. So, let’s design our journey with this three-step roadmap.

  1. Know yourself.

As Aristotle said, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” Knowing yourself is knowing who you are as a person, your preferences, skills, superpowers, and also your weaknesses, beliefs, reactions, your likes and dislikes, your experiences, and your dreams. Indeed, self-awareness is a critical leadership characteristic. It helps us appreciate where we are in our leadership journey.

We can practice and get better in knowing ourselves. It is very helpful to reflect, occasionally, about your own personal preferences, passions and skills defined by your nature and about your competencies and interests developed through experiences. We can also ask other’s input about what impact we create in their work, life and personal growth; what works and what does not. Time and again, I have been surprised how much honest feedback, valuable insights and useful advice I received by simply asking and listening. 

  1. Plan your journey.

I love reading books and watching movies where the protagonist is on a journey. Alice in Wonderland is one of my personal favorites. I particularly like the dialogue between Alice and the Cheshire Cat where Alice asks, “Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?” and gets the answer “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to.”

Based on who you would want to become as a leader, you need to define and prioritize which experiences you need to gain, which competencies you need to develop, which mindsets you need to sharpen. You need to see how you can intentionally maximize the impact of your strengths and optimally fill your gaps. As you prepare for the journey, define who will accompany you during the journey and how you will know that you are progressing towards your destination.

  1. Take the first step, and then the next.

Any step, physically, mentally, behaviorally, requires us to move out of the status quo. It requires action. It requires effort. It requires courage. You have to go out of your comfort zone. But then again, you must take those steps. It is your journey. As Rumi said, “It’s your road, and yours alone, others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.”

What is in your backpack?

As a leader, you carry your backpack with you all the time. It is full of your experiences, competencies, preferences, drivers, motivations. You pull out what you need when you need it, and as you learn you put new assets in your backpack.

Specifically for your leadership journey, there are three must-haves: Awareness. Intentionality. Courage. You need them to maximize your personal growth. Give them a bigger space in your backpack!

Becoming a better leader is a journey. Enjoy the ride!